Helluva Hail Storm! Oct. 28, 2004
They get hail in South Africa! Who knew? Fortunately, unlike at home where hail can mean there is a tornado in the area, they dont get tornadoes here at all. Is that because of the clockwise/counter-clockwise difference in air movement in the southern hemisphere? Do we have any weather experts reading this Blog?
We have been very dry here, and in need of rain, so when the thunder started late Wednesday afternoon, it was welcomed. Pretty soon though, there were chunks of ice falling from the sky. Not great timing, as we were all getting ready for a nice retirement dinner cruise on the river for one of the staff here, Carole. Carole has worked here since Stonehaven began as a business in 1994. She and her husband Tom are friends of Rex and Rose from way back (about 1976). They are British, but lived in Zambia for 7 years before settling in South Africa in the mid-70s, so they have an interesting background. Here is a picture of Carole and myself at a braai in 1984:
And here we are on our wet dinner cruise last night:
And a group shot of the gang:
It was not a great evening for a dinner cruise on the river, but we made the most of it. The hail subsided but it rained throughout the evening, so we stayed inside on the boat. Later in the evening (after midnight), more hail came and did pretty severe damage to parts of town near here, but fortunately spared Stonehaven and especially Rosemarys rose bushes.
We also have a new garden here, where Rosemary is trying to grow food for the restaurant to use in cooking. Herbs, lettuce, vegetables and all sorts of things are popping up, and Jenny and Mariette go picking some days.
There is a small corner of the Accounting office where I do some work sometimes, on the new time clock system, and other projects going on. Yesterday they decided that little corner where I work was too dark, so they put up a new light. The new light is so bright, I am sure it can be seen from space at night. So today I walked in and put on sunglasses to make a point. Kali (the growing Great Dane) had to get some morning loving from me at the same time (yes, big muddy feet and all).
There was also a lunar eclipse here last night, my first to see in the southern hemisphere. Was it visible in the northern hemisphere as well? I wasnt sure what time it was to occur, so woke up about 1am and it was still cloudy and raining, but I did see the moon peek through and it wasnt eclipsing. So I woke up again at 4am and looked out to see the eclipse just peaking, and it was spectacularly clear. I sat up for about an hour watching it before it sank below the tree line in the west. My horoscope this week said the lunar eclipse is always a good time to leave bad things behind and have a fresh, positive beginning. Unfortunately (fortunately!) I dont think I really have bad things to leave behind, but if positive karma comes from a lunar eclipse, Ill take some!